965 A Street

  • Created By: Site Admin
  • Created: March 17, 2023 6:12 pm
  • Updated: March 17, 2023 6:14 pm
Address: 965 A St, Arcata, CA 95521, USA
City: Arcata
Postal code: 95521
Year Built 1906
Period Transitional Architecture c. 1900-1910
Structure Order 68
965 A Street
965 A Street

In form, this house is nothing more than a side-gable house with center gabled dormer, off-centered front door and full-width porch, but exaggerated treatment of the gables creates a totally different effect. The wide, boxed faces of the projecting gables form a pointed arch on the side walls and front roof. Three siding-covered posts on wall piers support the porch, which includes a matching gable at the entrance. An unusual design, even for transitional architecture, this c. 1906 house was one of two built in Arcata; the other one, located at 14th and F streets, didn’t survive the freeway expansion of 1971. That house was built by Nelson Johansen in 1904, so it seems reasonable to also attribute this house to him.

965 A Street
965 A Street

In form, this house is nothing more than a side-gable house with center gabled dormer, off-centered front door and full-width porch, but exaggerated treatment of the gables creates a totally different effect. The wide, boxed faces of the projecting gables form a pointed arch on the side walls and front roof. Three siding-covered posts on wall piers support the porch, which includes a matching gable at the entrance. An unusual design, even for transitional architecture, this c. 1906 house was one of two built in Arcata; the other one, located at 14th and F streets, didn’t survive the freeway expansion of 1971. That house was built by Nelson Johansen in 1904, so it seems reasonable to also attribute this house to him.