- Created By: Site Admin
- Created: January 11, 2020 2:11 am
- Updated: April 30, 2020 6:31 pm

"This modern hostelry is a three story brick building and the furnishings and equipment being the "last word" in this regard as the recent write up of the house indicates. The rates for rooms are from $1.00 to $2.00 with or without bath and there are several fine suites with both bath and toilet attached. Hot and cold water and steam heat are found in every room and the beds are so soft and comfortable that it takes two bells to wake most of the guests in the morning. The dining room is being made one of the leading attractions of the house, and regular meals are being served for 35 cents and a special Sunday dinner at 50 cents, which are as good as can be obtained in San Francisco or any other large city. In addition, the cafe is being run on the a la carte plan, and anything from a 10 cent cup of first class hot coffee to a ten course dinner can be obtained on short notice. Seventy five people were served on Sunday evening, many being from Eureka and other sections of the county, and the dining room is rapidly gaining in popularity. An auto bus meets all trains and all the large auto stage lines, both north and south, stop at the front door." (Arcata Union May 12, 1915)
Despite years of use, change and neglect, the Hotel Arcata has survived relatively unscathed. Interior changes have been significant, but exterior alterations have not destroyed the building's architecture. Window groups in the second and third stories, the ornamented cornices, vertical transom windows, central entrance with overhang, and the brick exterior remain essentially as they were in 1915. Recent renovation has restored the Hotel's architectural quality, historic character, and economic vitality, making it, once again, the important community center it was in years past.
Work on the Hotel Arcata began in the summer of 1914 and was completed the following spring. Dedication of the building on April 26, 1915 was among the biggest events in the history of Arcata. The Arcata Union devoted the entire front page of its April 29, 1915 edition to the dedicatory celebration and a description of the building. Few undertakings in this
community ever received the newspaper coverage that this project did. Beginning with the first announcement that Arcata was to have a hotel at the comer of 9th and G Streets and continuing throughout construction and dedication, the Arcata Union carried a detailed account of the building’s progress.
“This modern hostelry is a three story brick building and the furnishings and equipment being the “last word” in this regard as the recent write up of the house indicates. The rates for rooms are from $1.00 to $2.00 with or without bath and there are several fine suites with both bath and toilet attached. Hot and cold water and steam heat are found in every room and the beds are so soft and comfortable that it takes two bells to wake most of the guests in the morning. The dining room is being made one of the leading attractions of the house, and regular meals are being served for 35 cents and a special Sunday dinner at 50 cents, which are as good as can be obtained in San Francisco or any other large city. In addition, the cafe is being run on the a la carte plan, and anything from a 10 cent cup of first class hot coffee to a ten course dinner can be obtained on short notice. Seventy five people were served on Sunday evening, many being from Eureka and other sections of the county, and the dining room is rapidly gaining in popularity. An auto bus meets all trains and all the large auto stage lines, both north and south, stop at the front door.” (Arcata Union May 12, 1915)
Despite years of use, change and neglect, the Hotel Arcata has survived relatively unscathed. Interior changes have been significant, but exterior alterations have not destroyed the building’s architecture. Window groups in the second and third stories, the ornamented cornices, vertical transom windows, central entrance with overhang, and the brick exterior remain essentially as they were in 1915. Recent renovation has restored the Hotel’s architectural quality, historic character, and economic vitality, making it, once again, the important community center it was in years past.